A Valentine's Gift I really liked...
I've been married for almost 20years and my sweetheart of a husband has truly tried to please me with an array of gifts. Jewelry, clothes, workout equipment, appliances, sporting stuff and God knows more. I have to confess, I am not the easiest to please in the gift department. Maybe I am wrong for saying I don't exactly love the gift, maybe I should just keep the "stuff" and use it and or wear it until it dies. Ugghh, I just can't do that and my husband says he understands. I really do appreciate the thought and I treasure his fortitude in finding the perfect gift. I sure hope he know this, I love him so!
So on with what I wanted to say... I did get one really great unique gift from my husband a few Valentines ago - cute flannel PJs from PajamaGram. He had it delivered to work, which was fun. (The other wives received the typical flower arrangement or nothing at all). Now I know flannel is not exactly a romantic nightie, but it was perfect for me to wear around the house and perfect for him to talk me out of in the bedroom!
Hooray for Flannel!
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