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Friday, January 9, 2009

What to do with all those Candy Canes...

How many candy canes do you have left over from your Christmas tree? Well, we had two trees in the house and about 90 candy canes adorning them. My little one has eaten about 30 over the past month and a half. I know, not the best of parenting, but hey, it's Christmas. I used 20 for my table decor for my dinner party ( see the blog dated Dec 19th), but I still have a whole basket full of them. I can't throw them out and I can't afford the dentist bill if my daughter eats 1 more, so I'll cook with them!

My mantra in the kitchen is EASY, FAST and DELICIOUS... I think this recipe covers that. All I need is cut off Sugar Cookies and the Candy Canes.

There are two ways to design your cookie:
1. Just cut off and sprinkle crushed candy canes on top
2. Roll out the dough, use a heart shaped cookie cutter and sprinkle with candy

(Careful with the candy cane sprinkles, keep them off the cookie sheet, they really stick)

I'll have enough cookies for all the neighbors, my friends and even send them to my daughter's school for her party. I'll look like a Super Mom without all the hard work!

Yeesss! Another good day for us Moms!